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Georgette & Roy EnglerWho was Georgette?

Georgette Engler was a mother, a visionary, a caregiver and one strong-willed woman. She and her husband, Roy, raised five children with disabilities at a time when others often institutionalized those who were different.

In 1950, the Maumee couple founded Sunshine Children’s Home to help other families care for their children with disabilities and to help “bring a little bit of sunshine” into the lives of these children through loving care in a clean, home-like setting.

Today, now called Sunshine Communities, we support people with developmental disabilities in their everyday life, along with vocational, clinical, therapeutic, recreational and other services to 250 people and their families in Northwest Ohio. Learn more about Sunshine here.

Person Filling Up Coffee BagsCoffee with a cause

Georgette’s Grounds & Gifts offers supported employment to workers with developmental disabilities in its kitchen, café and coffee-packaging areas right down the road.

Our goal is to provide opportunities and meaningful income for people with disabilities locally as well as farmers and artisans around the world. Your cup today not only tastes delicious, it helps ensure we continue to build opportunities for those with developmental disabilities. So please, let this coffee warm your heart. You’ve warmed ours.

Georgette’s mission is to offer fresh and unique coffees, foods and gifts in a warm and welcoming setting that respects the environment and the dignity of all people.